Classroom News-February 2, 2018

I am embarrassed that it has been a month since my last post.  It is important that you know what is happening in our classroom and I have dropped the ball on passing that information along.  I apologize.  Here's what you need to know.

Wednesday, February 7 is a Late Start Day.  School will start at 11:30 and dismiss at 3:40.  When the children arrive, we will go directly to lunch. 

NO SCHOOL-We will not have school on Friday, February 16 or Monday, February 19. 

LONG DAY- Since we are not at school on Monday, February 19, we will be at school ALL DAY on Friday, February 23.

Valentine's Day- We will have a Valentine's Day Party on Wednesday, February 14.  It will be from 9:20-10:30.  Children are welcome to bring Valentine's for every child in the class (we have 20 children).  Please do not worry about writing who the Valentine is for, only write who it is from.  If you write who the Valentine is to, children spend an enormous amount of time trying to find the correct bag to put it in.  I will not release a class list.  Stay tuned for materials we will need for the party. 

I am taking a class through the district called Purposeful Play.  We are talking about ways to put play back in the kindergarten classrooms and still meet state standards.  To support this, I am looking for a variety of games the children can be playing in the classroom.  We have Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders.  If you have card games or board games that are age appropriate and would like to donate them to the classroom, your donation would be welcome.  Playing games like this in the classroom teaches communication, negotiation, empathy, taking turns, and collaboration.  These are important life skills. 
