Classroom News-December 8, 2017

DO NOT EAT!  Please do not eat the gingerbread houses we sent home today.  The houses are glued together with hot glue, we used expired frosting to decorate them, and the candies we used are old candies (I don't know how old).  These are for decoration only.  The children did a terrific job on these! 

Please see earlier posts for information about our Polar Express day on Friday, December 15, 2017.  This will be a fun day!

Winter Break is coming!  Please check previous posts for the dates.

Lost and Found
Please check the school's Lost and Found if you are missing coats, hats, gloves, lunch boxes, backpacks, or anything else.  The items in Lost and Found will be donated to charity on December 15. 

Colder Weather
Occasionally, our weather does get cold.  Please dress your child appropriately to go outside for recess on these days.  We go out to recess every day.  It is essential that they have an appropriate jacket to wear at recess. 
