Classroom News-November 10, 2017

Today, our Storyteller came for a visit.  She told 3 stories about Thanksgiving.  The children loved the stories.  Ask them to tell you all about it.

Halloween Candy
Don't throw that Halloween candy away!  Bring it to school.  We will use that Halloween candy to decorate gingerbread houses right before winter break.  Package the unwanted candy up, and send it to school.

Pumpkin Pies
On Monday, November 13, we will make pumpkin pies.  This is a delicious recipe that I have made with classes for several years.  I need help collecting the ingredients.  If you can help, please go to and sing up for what you can bring.  I apologize for the short notice.  I appreciate any help you can offer!

Thanksgiving Break
There will not be any school November 20-24.  It is Thanksgiving Break.

Late Start
Wednesday, December 6 is a late start day.  School will start at 11:30 and we will go directly to lunch.  We will dismiss at 3:40.

Winter Break
There will not be school between December 18 and January 2.  This is Winter Break.  We will return to school on January 3 which is NOT a late start day. 
