Classroom News-October 6, 2017

Happy Friday!

Our schedule for the next couple of weeks is a little crazy.  Please note the schedule changes.

Friday, October 13-No School
Monday, October 16-No School
Friday, October 20-SCHOOL ALL DAY

Today, the Storyteller came for a visit and told a couple of Halloween stories.  The stories were fun to listen to!  Ask your child if they can retell the story to you.

At one of our centers today, we made cards for one of the hospitals in Las Vegas.  I did not talk much about the incident that happened there.  I simply told students that in another state, something happened and a lot of people got hurt.  I told them that we would make cards for the doctors and nurses that helped those people to say Thank You for all their hard work.   The cards are beautiful and I will mail them either this afternoon or tomorrow.  I am confident that the cards your children made will bring a smile to the faces of the doctors and nurses in Las Vegas.  Be proud!

On Wednesday, October 11, we will make applesauce.  We started studying apples this last week and labeled a picture of an apple with the parts of the apple.  Next week, we will learn about the life cycle of an apple, taste test apples, and make applesauce.

Trick or Treat Festival is Thursday, October 26.  Keep an eye out for more information about how to register.  This is a fun event with LOTS of activities.  The teachers dress up and kids get to trick or treat through the school, but that's only the beginning!  Be sure to join us!

We will have a Halloween Party during center time (9:20-10:30) on Monday, October 30.  Parents are invited to join us and help with the activities.  Students WILL NOT wear costumes to school. We have the trick or treat night so that students can share their costumes with their friends.  I would like to have an activity where kids can decorate a cookie as one of the centers.  If you are willing to donate the cookies, frosting, M&Ms, or sprinkles for this activity, please let me know.  We also need small plates, napkins, and drinks.  Thank you!

