Let's Get Started!

It was terrific to meet everyone for assessments!  I am looking forward to a wonderful year together!

There are a few things you should know for the first day of school.

-Children will line up outside the double doors near the kindergarten rooms (near the small playground).  My class will line up in front of the door on the right.  I will have a sign there.

-I will show the children where and how to line up.  We will wave good-bye to parents and come in for the first day of kindergarten!  Fair warning: parents will not be allowed to come in to the building with the children.  

This year, our outstanding PTO will be hosting Tea and Tissues in the cafeteria after kindergarten children come inside.  You will walk in through the front door of the school, check in and then are welcome to walk to the cafeteria.  This is not an opportunity for you to be recruited for committees.  It is simply a way to welcome you to Legacy and provide an opportunity to meet other kindergarten parents.  NO PRESSURE.  

-We will dismiss at 11:40 through the same doors students came in through.  I will ask the kids to give me a thumbs up when they see their grown-up.  Children will not be allowed to run to the parking lot.  Grown-ups must meet them at the door.  

-We will have the same routine on Friday (9:00-11:40). 

-Friday, August 18 is Individual Picture Day.  You should have gotten a picture envelope at the parent orientation.  If you did not get one, or need another one, let me know and I will send one home tomorrow. 

We will start our 2-1/2 day schedule on Monday, August 21

Speaking of Monday, August 21, there is a solar eclipse that day.  We will be taking the children outside to witness this event.  We have eclipse glasses for them to wear.  Parents must sign an eclipse permission slip for their child to participate.  If I do not have a signed permission slip, your child will have to wait indoors while the rest of the class goes outside. 
I believe there was a digital permission slip emailed to parents.  If you did not get this and would like a hard copy of the permission slip, send me an email and let me know.  I will email the permission slip to you. 

Tomorrow will be a wonderful day!  I can hardly wait!
